Item Conditions:
- All items are Brand New and unopened in their original boxes unless otherwise stated.
- All items are guaranteed to be original and authentic or your money back!
- Product images are for illustration purposes only and actual items may vary.
- Payments can only be made by Paypal, any other payment options will not be accepted.
- Payments are to be made within 4 days of purchase or else an unpaid item reminder will be opened which may result in an unpaid item record against your account.
- Extension can be arranged if you have trouble making payment and notify me with expected payment date.
- All in stock items will be shipped out within one working day (exclude weekends and holidays) after payment is received.
- For security reason, items will only be shipped to Paypal confirmed address. Please make sure your Paypal address is current before making payment.
Customer Satisfaction:
- Customer Satisfaction means a lot to us and we will do our best to provide my valued customers the best online shopping experience.
- Positive feedback is very much appreciated if item arrive in satisfactory condition.
- Any claim of dissatisfaction should be made immediately upon receipt of item. Please contact LUNA PARK if you are dissatisfied before leaving negative feedback so we can work things out.
- Please do not hesitate to message us if you have any queries, LUNA PARK is more than happy to clear your queries.
LUNA PARK would like to thank you for your business in advance!