The second installment of the "Dramatic Capture Series" features Transformers characters in the popular premium finish specification.
A new world of Transformers will expand with combinations and product specifications reminiscent of the characters' activities in the movie.
The second installment of the popular Dramatic Capture Series is a set that allows you to recreate a scene at the Autobot base.
Optimus Prime is the Autobot commander who transforms from a truck into a robot, and Autobot Jazz is his second-in-command who transforms into a race car.
In addition, the set includes the brain of the Autobot base and a main frame that transforms into the Teletran One console to recreate a scene inside the base.
Optimus Prime and Autobot Jazz come with special weapons, and Mainframe comes with a scanning satellite that also appeared in the first animated episode.
Set contents
Optimus Prime main figure (1), Optimus Prime weapon (1), Autobot Jazz main figure (1), Autobot Jazz weapon (1), Main frame main figure (console form) (1), Scanning satellite (1) ,Instruction manual (1),