Transformers Generations HasLab Deathsaurus
brand new, 100% Japan version
in stock, ready to ship
in stock, ready to ship
Hasbro Crowdfunding item, limited numbers available.
Our products are 100% genuine, item will be shipped from Tokyo via EMS international delivery, the fastest delivery service from Japan to worldwide, please purchase it with confidence.
One of the most feared beings in the known universe, Deathsaurus has spread his reign of terror and destruction for eons. The only force stopping him from achieving ultimate power has been that annoyance of an Autobot, Star Saber. But his brilliant mind has thought up a new plan, and this time, nothing can stop the Emperor of Destruction. Deathsaurus is launching his next attack – turn HasLab into the ultimate weapon and destroy Star Saber, once and for all!
Hasbro Pulse is bringing Transformers fans a battle of epic proportions! Last year, HasLab brought Japanese canon into the world of Transformers for the first time with Victory Saber*. Now, we invite you to welcome the archnemesis of the Supreme Commander of the Autobots into your collection. The powerful and ruthless Decepticon, Deathsaurus, is the next HasLab project!
- Premium 11-inch Deathsaurus converting figure inspired by the Japanese anime, Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers: Victory
- Converting Tigerchest and Eaglechest Micromaster figures
- Death Tailer shield accessory
- Sword and arrow accessories
LUNA PARK would like to thank you for your business in advance!